Finishing Touches our last weeks of preparation for departure we have had to cross off multiple page long to-do lists, pack more boxes and ship them to Hawaii. 

It's hard to pack up weird things such as nail polishes! I have so many I couldn't part with them. So I bubble wrapped em all!

Eric loved carrying in all the boxes!

I decorated a few boxes :)  

The one that had all my favorite dresses and shoes was labeled "HANDLE WITH CARE...MAHALO" (which means thank you)

All in ALL we only had 17 boxes!!! Not bad huh!!! However, the boxes were about 60 pounds each! For a grand total of 1,020 pounds of who knows what!!! A HUGE thank you to our friends in Maui Kim & Jason who were in charge of picking up all these boxes and storing them in our room at their house! And another HUGE thank you to our friend Jason who got us all our huge FREE boxes from good ol Copley! THANK YOU ALL!

ASIDE for the over 1,000 pounds of personal items we the heck were we going to get around the Island once we got there????? WHAT more perfect of a car then our little mini cooper convertible!! So, we had to ship her Nov. 18th from St Louis. Eric drove and met me & my girlfriend so we could drop off the car.  The mini was then put on a truck to make her way to San Diego where she will then be put on a ship Dec 9th and sent off to the Islands.  Her tentative arrival date in Maui is Dec 21st!!! She will love having her top down permanently!!

Incase you're wondering that is a bumper sticker of the Hawaiian Islands -- it is not the paint chipping!

We have also sold our car to keep it in the family!! We had originally planned to sell the Pilot at carmax in Phoenix but it has worked out perfectly that Eric's sister Ellen is buying it!! Her and her husband are meeting us in Phoenix the night before we leave to drive us to the airport and then they take the Pilot back to Illinois !

Pilot said goodbye to her lil sis :(

I also began receving letters in the mail from the 7 applications I filled out at the only hospital on the Island!!

I qualified for 6 out of the 7 positions and so far I have 2 job interviews set up for the Monday after we arrive!! One is for ICU and the other for post-op surgery!! We shall see!! 

Aside from all the shipping, paperwork and to-do lists ... we will also have to say good bye to some amazing friends, family & doggies.  Those are going to be the hardest of all. 

Fall with Friends & Family

Once's been a while since I've updated but we have been insanely crazy busy!!! We have been seeing each other almost every 2 weeks which has been great! I think I'm definitely getting used to being apart now and I don't get too sad anymore.  It will be an adjustment to live together again I think... double the laundry, dishes again, cleaning house, giving up the remote every night, && watching SPORTS again (UGH)!!!! BUT I cannot wait to be together again~this has been a crazy challenging journey that I wouldn't want to do again that's for sure!  

We began to ship a few boxes filled with....we have no idea!! They were from the house 6 months ago!

These boxes were shipped 09/26 & took over a month!! Our poor friends backs are gonna kill them by the time they get them all!

With the coming of fall we have been trying to do things and see people as much as we can because we both know that we won't have that luxury much longer.  

The Saviano Family!! My most favorite family in the world!!! We spent the night at Tina's where we reminisced and taught Mr & Mrs Sav how to play flip cup & quarters!! Such a great night with you guys! These are Eric's neighbors since he was a child & I've gotten to love them over many years & they love us! Such true, wonderful, caring people that treat us like family! We always joke that if something ever happened to Eric I would have a spot in the Saviano family!! LOVE YOU guys!

After a weekend together Eric was back to MO for two weeks :( I kept busy hanging with friends & coworkers. I got to have a night with my two blonde besties Holly & Kim & we had a great night jumping fences, dodging raccoons, wrestling & being cahrazy! ( I hope these two hang out when I'm gone and cause t-r-o-u-b-l-e!!)


Visited mama Bara with the newest addition!

Braelyn has always loved Eric :)


I hung out in the city with some of my amazing nurse besties that I will miss oh so dearly :(
If you're a nurse you completely understand that we are the family away from home...we are crazy, psycho, overworked and underpaid -- but in the end we really do love it deep down!

 My Zaleski's OH how we will miss them! AZ & I will miss sleepovers and Pepe's afterwork:(

CHEERS to AZ's 30th!

Love these girls (Kim you should've been a nurse!)

My ANGIE -- I am gonna miss this girl like CRAZY!!! I love her so much, her kids are the coolest, she makes me the awesome platinum blonde that I am & we have the best gossip breaktimes at work!! I love you:(

Erika ---- awww man....gonna miss you mucho galore my dear & sushi!!

GIZZARD....Im gonna miss the snot out of your adorable calm voice and the fact that you are never stressed!! LOVE YOU!

The next weekend I hoped on the train and it was off to Missouri I went!! I got to relax with all my favorite men!!! Eric, my poppy & my three boys! We fished, had fruity drinks, boated and relaxed!

Eric surprised me & picked me up with the boys @ the train!! They howled & howled when they saw me!

Poppy & I went fishin!

His was a little bigger :)

Walkin the doggies

I love my kaiser bum! I'm gonna miss him so VERY much -- I'm tearing up just thinkin about sayin goodbye

The boys first time down on the dock! They enjoyed!

I would have to say my next catch was the biggest of the weekend!!!

Doggies got LOTS of leftovers!! They share nicely ;)

Went out boatin and eatin on the water!

Doggies were lookin for critters! See the deer!!

Eric & I had to drive to go find the Bears game at a bar because it's not local game down in Missouri!

Then it was off I went...on the train again with good snacks & work to do!!

I had a night with my bestest highschool girls Heidi & Holly!! We all brought our highschool pictures for beer & a sleepover! We had such a great night making fun of eachother and talking crap while reminiscing!! It was an evening I will treasure forever ladies.

I also went to my last Bears game for a long time with Kim!! Eric didn't want to go - he watched with his buddies in the city being our DD!

Gonna miss getting silly at the games in the front row!!!! No need to worry though....we will still have the season tickets while we're gone!!

Good bye Soldier Field & cold Bears games :(

I had another visit down to Missouri to spend time with my boys!

Eric put the boys crates together to get them prepared for their travels! Originally we bought crates that were too he had to drive almost an hour to the nearest petco to exchange them!

The doggies enjoy begging grandpa for scraps!! He always gives it to them! SPOILED!!

WE are gonna miss our big boy so very very much.  He will be very happy & SPOILED with grandpa!

I had such a relaxing weekend cuddling with my boys!

Boating and suntanning in October!! WE LOVE THIS WEATHER...hence the move!

Bum went for a ride to drive me an hour to the train! He was a lil thirsty;) He is the bestest dog in the world!

Then another two weeks apart and Eric would come in town.

I was sick as a dog and was unable to visit with his brother, sister & mom.  They took the cutest picture for me though :)

We rounded up a few friends for a day train-trolley-sight seeing pub crawl in our "sweet home Chicago" we will definitely miss this amazing city!


The Bean!

The Trolley!

Love this skyline!

Wasted away again in Margaritaville @ Navy Pier!

Eric & I love the city so much -- we will definitely miss it along with the nights with our friends and the crazy memories we made.

The next weekend I went for a special visit to NYC to spend quality time with SEEEEESTER before we are 6,000 miles apart.  We had the best time together ~ we cuddled a lot, said how much we love eachother & of course I cried when I had to leave her :(

It was the best weekend with her!

Saw the WTC memorial

Got to get dressed up, bar hop, dance...sing karaoke

sibling night !!


went to china town for dim sum!!!

walked across the brooklyn bridge!

made her take lots of pics with me!!

I miss her everyday and I can't wait for her to come visit!!!! Our poor parents --- their two little girls are on complete opposite ends of the US:( 

My cousins came in town so we could have a little sleepover and say bye.  I love them & anticipate their visits!

SOOOOO....that now brings you all up to date on our crazy running around social schedule!! It has been crazy but I don't think we would trade the days, meals and nights we have had with such special people. We aren't done yet and there are many many more good byes to be had.  We are now under a month away from departure & we are trying to slow down and enjoy our journey and all the craziness we are about to get further into!